Dr Salvatore Grasso
PhDSenior Lecturer
Salvatore is currently a senior lecturer at Queen Mary university of London. His doctoral work (2008-2011) at the University of Tsukuba-NIMS (National Institute for material Science) Japan was focused on Electric Current Assisted Sintering Techniques and magnetic field processing. During his postdoc at Queen Mary University of London he pioneered the development of Flash Spark Plasma Sintering techniques and contributed to the development of MagMat (www.magmat.uk). In 2017, He was awarded the prestigious national 1000 Talent program became a full professor in ceramics at Southwest Jiaotong University (China). His current research is around the use of intense Electric (voltages up to 10kV and current up to 0.6 MA) and Magnetic fields (15 Tesla) to develop novel processing techniques to design unprecedented materials properties. Multi field assisted processing [is a key component of his current research vision. The focus is on ceramic materials, including thermoelectrics, textured ceramics, battery materials. Low energy processing [8], efficient heat management and sustainability are key aspects of his research vision. Explorative research is performed along with other groups located in Europe, Asia and America using custom built equipment and multi-physics FEM simulations. He is currently Editor of the European Ceramic Society, Associate Editor of International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology and Journal of the American ceramic Society. He is also editorial board member of Advances in applied ceramics, MPDI Journals Materials, Metals and Coatings